Where farmers go to talk shop!
The Growing Farms Podcast has been a on and off chronicle of my farming journey paired with solid farm marketing advice. Subscribe to my email list to learn when new episodes are released or scroll through the archives to find a show that might interest you.
My new segment Ask A Farmer has launched! I asked two dozen farmers the same four questions and got different answers from all of them.
New episodes every other week.

Whether you have been farming for years,
you are a Homegrown Greenhorn,
or you are starting to consider a career in agriculture…
…there is something we can all do to Grow Our Farms.
2022 Farm Podcast Episodes
While I have not written blog posts for all the new podcasts yet, you can listen to the episodes in your favorite pod-catching app, including those linked above.
So far this year:
Instagram for Farmers - 2022
Farm Brewery Update - January 2022
Email Marketing for Farmers - 2022
How To Raise Pigs in 2022 - February Farm Update

Farmer Interviews & Farm Updates
Season 3: 2019
John & Troy talk about the realities of working the land.
Season 2: 2015
John & Scott discuss the differences between living in New York City and living on a farm.
Season 1: 2013 - 2017
John starting a farm and lots of farmer interviews.