The Farm at
Kent Falls Brewing Company
The Farm @ Kent Falls Brewing is a 52 acre diversified farm producing beer ingredients, up-cycling brewery waste streams, and raising diversified pasture-based livestock.
Typical Season:
Pasture-raised broiler chickens
Pasture-raised eggs
Pasture-raised pork
Apples & Foraged Fruit
Foraged wild flowers
Latitude: 41° 41' 20"
Longitude: 73° 23' 14"
52 acres
USDA Hardiness Zone 6a, -10° to -5°F
Elevation: 701 feet above sea level
Average 49 inches of rain a year
Average 50 inches of snow
84 days of measurable precipitation
204 days of sunshine
Average July High Temp 81°F
Average Jan Low Temp. 16°F
UV Index 3.4
Average first frost date October 1 - 10th
Average last frost date Mat 21 - 31st
Wind generally out of the North
leased from private land owner
Located in Kent, CT
On-farm brewery
Average Production Quick Stats
Pasture-raised Broilers
500 - 2000 Cornish Cross
120 Red Rangers
Hatchery = Murray McMurray
Feed from Stone House Grain in Hudson, NY
Raised in chicken tractors out on pasture
Processed at Baffoni's Poultry Farm in Johnston, RI
Retail price = $6/lb for whole birds
Sold mainly through our farm store with some wholesale and CSA
Pasture-raised Eggs
120 - 400 Layers
Variety of Breeds
Raised in mobile chicken coop, moved every 4-6 days
Sold as "soup chickens" when they get old
Retail $8/dozen
Hop Yard
5 Varieties:
Cascade, Chinook, Brewer's Gold, Bitter Gold, Michigan Copper
3/4 acre
Primarily Sold to our farm brewery
Managed organically but we are not certified organic
The Homestead
4.8 acres
Where most of the buildings are including our brewery and tasting room. This is the main area of the farm.
Greenhouse Area
.25 acres
36' x 96' greenhouse on a gravel pad
electric, water, propane heaters
Compost Area
.4 acres
composting mostly spent brewer's grains
Materials Handling
.3 acres
This is where I put my piles of stone
Hop Yard
1 acre
4 varieties: Brewer's Gold, Cascade, Bitter Gold, Michigan Copper
Hop Yard Perimeter
.46 acres
took out old varieties of hops and shrunk the yard, now it is grass
Back Woods
12 acres
Mixed maple swamp, very rocky and full of multiflora rose
NorthWest Pasture
3.75 acres
Wild Strip
2 acres
mix of low scrub, used for pigs
NorthEast Pasture
3 acres
Orchard Pasture
2 acres
Central Pasture
1.7 acres
East Hill Pasture
1.2 acres
Tasting Room Pasture
2 acres
45 Square Pasture
.22 acres
Farm Pond
.09 acres
The Big Pond
8.38 acres
Sun Position on Solstices
The thin orange line is the trajectory of the sun on those give dates. The larger yellow shaded area is the sun's angle at any given point in the year. The summer solstice is June 21st in this case and the winter solstice is December 21st. Sun angle information courtesy of a free resource: