Farm Marketing Solutions

I started out by bicycle across the United States in June 2011 to figure out what I could do to help farmers. Together with my wife, Kate, we traveled around 6,000 miles over 7 months, in addition to over 2,000 miles I rode solo in 2010. We did our best to raise awareness, fund raise for Farm Aid, and even pitch in and volunteer our time weeding, seeding, and harvesting at various farms across the nation.

When you spend long hours on a bike, you have a lot of time to think. I would constantly think up ways to help family farmers thrive. I wanted to encourage people to eat healthier, live more active lifestyles, and buy local. Then one day I had an "ah-ha" moment! Often the reason people do not buy locally is more a problem of supply than lack of personal motivation. More people are willing to buy local, if only they could find a farmer to buy from.

My life's mission became to help farmers get the word out about themselves, and to see their businesses prosper. If farmers could find more success, they would continue to grow their business and multiply. If they grew and multiplied, more people would have access to locally grown good quality food. If more people had access to good food, we might just solve a lot of bigger issues like obesity, diabetes, a weak economy, and a dying planet. (Hey, a man can dream right.)

Farm Marketing Solutions was created by gathering successful marketing techniques from across the country. In addition to visiting dozens of farms and farmers' markets, I have conducted hundreds of hours of research on marketing techniques that are directly applicable for farmers.

It is my hope that the materials that I amworking on right now, as well as the community that I hope to build around this website, will facilitate positive growth in America's sustainable farmers. I invite you to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Google + as this project grows throughout the years.